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Herbal Face Mask- troubled, oily (acne) and sensitive skin

Silhouette Beauty UK

Regular price £13.44
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Herbal Face Mask- troubled, oily (acne) and sensitive skin
Herbal Face Mask- troubled, oily (acne) and sensitive skin

Containing astringent properties the Herbal Face & Neck Mask works to purify and tighten open pores. The active ingredients balance and stabilise the skin's pH whilst reducing the excessive production of oil and sebum. This specific blend of ingredients such as Orris Root cool and comfort the skin and give a refreshed complexion, reducing redness and sensitivity. Ideal for those with Acne or sensitive skin.



  • Contains Orris Root - Regulates moisture exchange in the skin which helps the skin to rid itself of dead particles and other toxins
  • Can be applied manually or via a Dermalift system
  • Any Dermafusion Bio-Active Ampoule can be applied underneath the mask to ‘Super Boost’ the effect of the mask, or further tailor the treatment to a specific skin type
  • Associated products: Herbal Bio-Active Ampoule




  • Balances skins pH
  • Tightens open pores
  • Reduces redness & sensitivity
  • Hydrates and Moisturises
  • When applied using the Dermalift system the active ingredients will be infused into the skin to twice the depth of a manual application in half the time

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